
Friday 24 June 2011, by admin

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Scotland’s property portfolio is in a mixed condition with significant investment required over medium term. SETIC has the opportunity to refurbish an existing building to demonstrate how this can be delivered in an affordable and commercial manner.

In summary:

• To bring to the market a physical showcase of ’Low Carbon Building & Energy Technologies within Scotland’

• To provide a bridge between R&D and the market for innovative low carbon energy and building technology

• To provide a platform to transfer Scottish knowledge and technology into a European market through the partner network and promotional vehicles that will be developed

• To stimulate, develop, support and evaluate low carbon energy & building technologies

• To provide an environment to assess the practicality and operational issues with low carbon building and energy methods & technologies

• To provide a test facility for the built environment appropriate to the Scottish climate

• To develop practical training and education opportunities for Scottish energy and construction sectors

• To inform policy in relation to sustainable energy and construction.

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